On Ash Wednesday, March 5,  when ashes are placed on our forehead, we might hear either “Remember yo u are dust and to dust you shall return” or “Repent and believe in the Gospel.”

Like Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, and His own Son, God calls us out into the desert of Lent to test us to see where our hearts are… (Deuteronomy 8:2)  God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts. Our world is full of noise, distraction and spectacle. This Lent, find time each day for quiet….Give God a chance!

.In MATTHEW 5:48 Jesus teaches how to  observe Lent by prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Fasting  humbles us, reminds us who we are and our dependence on God. When we fast from our favorite foods and drinks, we create more space in our hearts for God….hear his voice, notice his goodness and beauty.

Prayer must always be a part of fasting. Pray for the grace to fast. Pray that your fast will be effective. Pray that your fast will move mountains in your life and the lives of others. Fast for yourself, for others, and the Poor Souls in Purgatory.

What will your Lenten resolutions be?  There are things you might do (commission) acts of charity such as donations to food banks, clothing drives, visiting the sick, work on reconciling family disputes, praying for the Souls in Purgatory, adoration visits to Blessed Sacrament, attending a weekday Mass …

And then there are things you may refrain from doing (omission) such as:  talking bad about someone, refrain from seeking attention or praise, don’t watch your favorite TV show or eat your favorite snack….

Join your sacrificial offering to Jesus in reparation for sin and the salvation of the world,

Lent is the perfect time to clean the slate, wash the soul through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This Sacrament was instituted by Jesus Christ, the Word Incarnate, on the evening of his resurrection.

Peace be with you…Jesus breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit for those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven.  For those whose sins you retain, they are retained.'” (John 20:19-35)

The sacramental sign are the words of absolution, “I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Our sins are forgiven and sanctifying grace is conferred.  We are made ready to go home to the Father



May the Holy Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can rediscover the gift of God’s word, be purified of the sin that blinds us, and serve Christ present in our brothers and sisters in need.

Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation”  2 Corinthians 6:2

 Lent is the favorable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in His word, in His sacraments and in our neighbor. May the Holy Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can rediscover the gift of God’s word, be purified of the sin that blinds us, and serve Christ present in our brothers and sisters in need.   Then we will be able to experience and share in the full joy of Easter.





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