Tom and Jeanette on Sea of Galilee 2010


As a lifelong Catholic, enjoying his golden years, I will be commenting on what it is like being Roman Catholic in the 21st century in the U S of A.  I am a Parish Catechist and Marian Catechist in a small mid-west Catholic parish.  I am married 50+ years with adult children and grandchildren.   As a boy I gave Latin replies as a server at Mass, then experienced Vatican II changes and persevered in the church Christ founded.

This blog includes commentary on current issues that involve trends in secular culture, man-made laws vs. God made laws This Catholic Blog will also express Roman Catholic Church Teaching, including Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Some may wonder why the adjective “Roman” in the blog name.  It is for specificity, because anyone who wishes today, whether they are followers of Jesus and His Church or not, may call themselves “catholic” while promoting behavior morally abhorrent to the very Church Jesus founded.

For example, there are even groups out there that call themselves “Catholics for Choice”. This is not a Catholic organization but a pro-abortion advocacy group.  Jesus founded His (Holy Roman Catholic) Church and sent the Holy Spirit to guide it in truth, to the end of times.

God, of course wills the salvation of all.  Nothing is impossible with God. I have found the best aids for happiness and excellence of living on my journey home to God, are within the Roman Catholic Church.  I searched but never found any Truth out there that would better serve me in becoming the best man I could be. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and His Church shows the way!  Tom Block TCB


 July 2020 marks the fifth anniversary of my blog and almost 40,000 views.  I want to thank all my readers and tweeters.  I thought I would go back to that first month July 2015 and repost a blog from then.  The more things seem to change the more they remain the same.  When I look back to July 2015 posts I find the topics of Same Sex Marriage and Gender Identity.  This controversy is not going away any time soon.


Today, Same Sex marriage is the tip of the spear in the “Gay” agenda.  I use their term “gay” regrettably because it used to be a perfectly good descriptive word in our literature to describe “gay old times;”  “there was much gaiety at the ball;”  “what a gay time does summer bring.”

The “Gay” agenda is to establish a new “norm,”… that there is no difference between  heterosexual and homosexual behavior as far as acceptable behavior.  In their attempts to brainwash the public they have invaded our TV shows be it comedy or drama with their “token gay” couple whether it adds anything to the plot or makes any sense. I am not saying all gay couples ought to be banned from movies and TV but please have a reason beyond they are gay.



“Gender identity” really hit social media in a big way when North Carolina passed a bill, addressing the issue of transgender and bathroom facilities. The Governor signed a bill, a bill that restricts bathroom and showers to use by gender determined at birth. Gay rights advocates filed a lawsuit challenging the law’s legality, the Federal Government is suing the state for discrimination in violation of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act.

The Merriam Dictionary updated their definition of Gender Identity: your identity as it is experienced with regard to your individuality as male or female; an awareness normally begin in infancy and is reinforced during adolescence,  a person’s internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male or female.

AND NOW 2020


The Supreme Court ruled June 15, 2020 that employers cannot fire workers because of their sexual orientation or self-determined gender identity, even while dissenting justices opined the Court was legislating from the bench. The question at issue was whether or not protections against sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act also applied to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

The president of the U.S. bishops’ conference on Monday lamented the U.S. Supreme Court’s considers sexual identity and gender identity to be covered by laws prohibiting employment discrimination based upon sex.

Words matter,” the statement from leading U.S. bishops said. “‘Sex’ should not be redefined to include sexual inclinations or conduct, nor to promulgate the view that sexual identity is solely a social construct rather than a natural or biological fact.” “By erasing the beautiful differences and complementary relationship between man and woman, we ignore the glory of God’s creation and harm the human family, the first building block of society. Our sex, whether we are male or female, is part of God’s plan for creation and for our lives.

The logic of the decision makes it very difficult to understand how you could have separate men’s and women’s sports,” he explained. “The same for locker rooms and shower rooms and secular activities, swimming pools, gyms. The same for women’s shelters, for example, where already traumatized women are cared for where now they’re likely to be forced to be housed at close quarters with males.”


Transgender activists have a “plan to use the government to force parents to affirm a false sex for their child, agree to hormone blockers, and accept a transition to their son or daughter’s preferred gender.  “If parents refuse? Removal of the child from the family, due to alleged medical neglect.”

For example, a recent news story from Canada, The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, ordered that a 14-year-old girl receive testosterone injections without parental consent. The court also declared that if either of her parents referred to her using female pronouns or addressed her by her birth name, they would be considered guilty of family violence.

Next, on transgender activists agenda is to require schools to report parents of children that resist the child’s request to be treated different than their birth gender to Child Protective Services. “There are many dangers to these puberty blockers, such as infertility and restricting bone growth.




Let’s return to our main topic, Marriage. We begin in the beginning in the book of Genesis. Genesis 1:27-28, “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them, saying: “Be fertile and multiply”

In Matthew 19 when Jesus is challenged over the question of divorce and remarriage, Jesus reinforces what is already in Hebrew Scripture.  “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’  ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?  So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 


 Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate.  His disciples said to him, “If that is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry.” He answered, “Not all can accept this word, but only those to whom that is granted. Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it.”

Jesus says marriage is not for everyone, some may even be born not able to fulfill the procreative and unitive requirements of marriage. The Catechism of the Catholic Church continues to expound on God’s awesome plan for mankind with emphasis on the unitive and procreative role of Marriage, neither of which can be fulfilled by a homosexual couple.


 CCC 1643 Marital love involves a totality, in which all the elements of the person enter… It aims at a deeply personal unity, a unity that, beyond union in one flesh. Unitive and procreative are the goods of marriage.

It demands indissolubility and faithfulness in definitive mutual giving; and it is open to fertility.


 CCC 1601“The matrimonial covenant… is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.”


Marriage existed many, many centuries before Government got involved.  In fact, the state did not even begin to issue marriage licenses until after the Civil War.  The state has an interest in marriage and marital norms because they serve the public good; marriage between a man and woman provides for the Common Good of society providing it with its very core, the family, mother, father and children


Now it is not surprising that the Government over time, valuing the traditional family and wanting to encourage people to marry, .provided some benefits or relief in terms of taxes and other social benefits.  It was in society’s best interest to have a strong society that would continue for ages to come.

Same Sex marriage is driven by a desire to receive supplemental benefits from the Government for which heterosexual couples get.  The problem is homosexual couples want “equal rights” to the benefits aimed at the Common Good without adding anything to the Common Good.  In fact, if you take it to the extreme conclusion of only same sex couples marrying that would be the extinction of human kind.

In closing, let’s take a closer look on how our Church teaches us to treat homosexuals. The Church teaches that homogenital behavior is objectively immoral, while making the important distinction between this behavior and a homosexual orientation, which is not immoral in itself.

Homosexual persons “must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity” These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.(CCC 2358)





AMOS 5:14




As Jesus’ vicar/prime minister, St. Peter established the Mother Church in Rome in 42 A.D. All other Christian denominations over the centuries have their roots in the Church Jesus founded. Just as Bishops today are successors to the Apostles, the Pope is successor to Peter.


A friend of mine who lives out of town that I have known for 50+ years called on Mother’s Day to wish my wife Happy Mother’s Day.  During the course of our conversation he wanted me to know he believes in God just not the Church.  Gene and I have discussed religion forever.  He is a good man who reaches out in service to others especially the elderly

I reminded Gene that while the Church was divinely instituted, it is humanly constituted made up of saints and sinners.  There is no greater target of Satan then the Church of Christ.  Since their Intellect is darkened and their Will is weakened as a consequence of Original Sin the clergy of the Church are just as susceptible to the “dark” side as the laity.

Of course, it is not just clergy abuse that caused so many to leave the “church.”  Most reply they just don’t believe what the Church teaches.  Well, this is not so surprising since for the last several decades our Catholic faithful, the young and old, have been so poorly served in the area of Catechesis.  It seems when the nuns left the building so did a lot of  strong true Catholic teaching. So we now have generations of the under Catechized who are not able to teach their children about God as well.

Some have asked me why I have the adjective, Roman, before Catholic in my website There are several rites in communion with Rome (Latin Rite) such as Maronites, that never separated and others that did, but have reunited with Rome such as Byzantine, Copts, and Chaldeans. I want readers to know my blog is orthodox and in full communion with the Church of St. Peter.

There are so many denominations out there that have catholic in their names that it is confusing.  There are even groups out there that call themselves Catholics for Choice. This is not a Catholic organization but a pro- abortion advocacy group. There are “cafeteria catholics” who pick and chooses what Catholic teaching they want to follow. Catholics are not free to choose which teachings on faith and morals to obey.

I love my Church warts and all and so grateful to Jesus giving us this guide.  It isn’t perfect.  But Jesus is!,  Jesus founded His Church on  the Apostle Peter.” And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:18-19



Peter said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.

Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my Lambs

 “Jesus said to him a second time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’

Peter said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’  

He said to him, ‘Tend my sheep’

 .Jesus said to Peter the third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’

Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, and he said to him, ‘Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.’  Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep’

John 21:17,

Not all are Good Shepherds all the time!  Remember Peter denied Jesus three times but Peter repented and wept bitterly for his sins but returned to Jesus.  Jesus returns the favor by entrusting His Church to Peter and his successors. As far as the Church of Christ goes our trust is not in the human constituency but in the Third person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit.

The Father, indeed, revealed the fullness of Truth in His Son but the Church in its early days could not take it all in. It needed inspiration, guidance, the breath of the Spirit.  What was (and still is) required is the ongoing influence of the Spirit, the divine interpreter of the Word, who does his work gradually and powerfully as the Church journeys across space and time.

When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me.” John 15:26The Holy Spirit teaches the Church “all things,” bringing to mind everything that Christ first taught His apostlesJohn 14:26.

The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost Sunday and a Church was born. After the descent of the Holy Spirit the disciples were filled with courage and faith. They went out into the streets and proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ fearlessly in Truth and the Holy Spirit


With the Holy Spirit, Jesus sends His apostles and their successors as the Father sent Him “with “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Mt. 28:18).  The apostles, the first bishops, chosen by Christ, exercise the Church’s Magisterium or teaching office of His Church.

It is the Holy Spirit who comes into this world to convict Satan and Sin.  The battle is joined.  Do you know who wins:  Check out the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible..  My trust is in the Holy Spirit not man!


Sometimes Catholics are criticized by other denominations as not knowing the Bible or down playing Scriptures.  That is ridiculous.  If you were to attend Sunday Mass regularly in a three year cycle and daily Mass in 2 year cycle you would hear read at Mass from Old and New Testament well over 80% of Scriptures.

There was no Bible in the early Church.  It was the Church–her leadership, faithful people–guided by the authority of the Spirit of Truth which discovered the books inspired by God in their writing.

The canon of the Bible was established by the Roman Catholic Church definitively at the Council of Trent in 1556.  Canon means keeping something “straight” by rule of faith.

A canon distinguishes what is revealed and divine from what is not revealed and human. Some criteria used to determine canonicity were: special relation to God, i.e., inspiration; apostolic origin; used by the community of believers in Church services guided by the Holy Spirit.

If God has revealed Himself to man and He has, man must be able to know with assurance where that revelation lies.  In other words, man needs to know without error what the books of the Bible are. There must be an authority which will make that decision.  That authority is the Magisterium of the Church founded by Jesus Christ.

Is the Bible enough? Jesus told his apostles in His Last Supper discourse, “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.  But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming.”  John 16:12-13


The Church doesn’t make this stuff up. God the Father himself in the Old Testament gave the 10 Commandments to Moses. These commandments were written on stone to symbolize that they could not be changed. Human laws change from time to time, but God’s word never changes.


 While I was growing up, I questioned the Commandments and other Church Teaching but that was because I had the notion these were restrictions and I resisted like any “red blooded American“.

As I matured in my faith development I realized the commandments were not prohibitions at all but the best self-help book on the market for living well and happy.  God was not asking me to give up anything that was good for me.

Let’s just take a few examples from the Commandments,, How about worshipping God our Creator on the Sabbath.  What’s nuts about that? All that I am; All that I have; I have received from God.  If I throw that out it isn’t long before I think I am in charge and I am not.

Here’s another one, Do not kill or do violence in actions or words.  Who am I to harm someone?  I don’t want anyone to harm me! And do not commit adultery nor covet your neighbor’s wife.  Well how is that working out for the sexually active outside of marriage crowd? Divorce, fractured families, abandoned children, single parent families, sexually transmitted diseases, abortion etc. Sin has consequences. To deny this is to deny reality!

“See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I am commanding you today; and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of the LORD your God… Deuteronomy 11:26


God’s plan includes sacraments dispensed by His Church.  Sacraments are an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace. Sacraments are the means by which God “resurrects us” in this life. Jesus expresses Himself on earth today through His Sacraments.  Not every denomination has the seven sacraments that Jesus instituted, but the Roman Catholic Church does.

Baptism restores divine life to our souls. Confirmation strengthens our faith and assist us in being faithful witnesses. Eucharist nourishes that life. Sacrament of Reconciliation heals our soul when we have sinned against God and neighbor. Matrimony: the sacramental binding covenant between a baptized man and woman in which they agree to eternal fidelity and commit to being God’s partners in the creation of new life.

Holy Orders continues Jesus’ Apostolic Mission today. This sacrament confers on a man the power of consecrating the offering of the Body and Blood of Christ and of remitting and retaining sin. Pray for vocations to the Priesthood.  They administer the Sacraments in Jesus’ name. Anointing of the Sick stirs up the divine life within us to heal our bodies and prepare our souls for eternal life.


Many other religious denominations claim the Sacrament of the Eucharist but do not believe as I do or other practicing Catholics in the Real Presence.  Some denominations say it is a symbol.  Some say it is something we do in memory of Jesus.  Some say it is a fellowship meal.

As Roman Catholic, I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Sacrament.  I believe that when a priest at consecration says the words, “Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my Body, which will be given up for you. Take this, all of you, and drink from it for this is the chalice of my Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me”.

I believe Jesus, body and blood, soul and divinity is reserved in the tabernacles of Catholic Churches around the world. Outside of Masses, Jesus may be brought to the sick and home bound.

The body and blood that we eat is the same body that hung on the cross, lay in the tomb, and then rose from the dead. That body is also the same body that passed through walls, that could be in Emmaus one minute, and Jerusalem the next, and then ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father.

When we eat hamburger or pizza etc. we are physically nourished and it becomes part of our body. But when we consume the Body and Blood of Jesus in Holy Communion, the exact opposite happens. Instead of us assimilating Jesus into our bodies, he assimilates us into his body. He doesn’t become part of our body. We become part of his body, a share in the Divine life!

“I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live  forever” (John 6:51).

“The bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh(John 6:51). He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.

For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. (John 6:53–56)  He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. (John 6:53–56)


I love my Church founded on Saint Peter.  God can save whoever He wills but there are tremendous, superlative aids within the Roman Catholic Church for happiness and excellence of living in this world and to complete our journey home to Jesus. There are no restrictions harmful to mankind in Roman Catholic Church teaching. I thank God for my faith and my Church that have been there for me throughout my life of joy and suffering, let me persevere, keep my eyes on the prize and finish the race.







We are less than two weeks away from Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.  My thoughts today are on all the times we have failed God and suffered the consequences of our sinfullness.

I thought also of how many centuries people had to wait for the promised Messiah. Ancient Israel often failed in her ordained commission to be a beacon of spiritual light to all other nations.

God made many covenants with His people through mediators such as Abraham, Moses, and David. His people broke the covenants and suffered the consequences just as we suffer the consequences today of our own sinfulness.

Today, we are fortunate the Messiah has arrived and completed His mission.  Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ now and forever!

Our Lent is modeled after the 40 days Jesus spent in fasting and praying in the dessert before He took on His public ministry that would end in His death and Resurrection and victory over sin and death. We must fortify ourselves like Jesus for the continued onslaught of the world, the devil, and the flesh.

Deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Jesus.  There is no Easter without Good Friday. Fast from worldly things that we might focus on the spiritual; Listen to the word of God in Scripture; Pray before the blessed Sacrament that we might not succumb to the evil one.

In this blog I will focus on last two prophets of the Old and New Testament, Malachi and John the Baptist.

The last prophet of the Old Testament, Malachi, was sent by God to instruct the Jews resettling in Judea after the Babylonian captivity.  Malachi revealed the spiritual and moral shortcomings of the priests and common people alike.

Tithing was being neglected; divorce had become commonplace; and there were mixed marriages with pagan peoples.  Moral and spiritual laxity, pride, indifference, permissiveness and skepticism were growing. Their sins were the reason that God was once again stripping away their physical prosperity and position of influence in the region.  Malachi pleaded with his countrymen to humble themselves in prayer (Malachi 1:9).

Malachi 3:1 states, “Behold, I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the covenant.”  This passage predicts the coming of John the Baptist, “My messenger” and Jesus Christ, “the Messenger of the covenant”.

In the Daily Office of prayers we read the prayer of Zechariah to his son, John the Baptist, “You, My child shall be called The prophet of the Most High, For you will go before the Lord to prepare His way, To give his people knowledge of salvation By the forgiveness of their sins.”

When John began his ministry dressed with Elijah-styled camel’s hair and leather girdle, this signaled to the Jews that he was playing the part of the returned Elijah. John and Elijah had much more in common than clothing.   Both John and Elijah were great prophets. Both challenged evil kings to change their wicked ways, and both were persecuted for doing so.

Both John and Elijah prepared the way for prophets with even greater ministries than their own. Before Elijah was taken up to heaven, he gave his successor, Elisha, a double portion of his spirit (2 Kings 2:9, 15).  Elisha then went on to do even greater things than his predecessor Elijah had done. For example, Elisha miraculously raised a child from the dead (2 Kings 4:32–37), and multiplied barley loaves to feed a crowd (2 Kings 4:42–44).

As Jesus approached, John pointed out to his disciples, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! When John baptized Jesus, the Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove, and this event served as the foundation for his public ministry.  Jesus then went on to do even greater works than John the Baptist. Like Elisha, Jesus also raised a child from the dead (Mt. 9:23–25), and multiplied barley loaves to feed the multitudes (Jn. 6:9–14).

At the Jordan River, Elijah transferred his prophetic mission to his successor, Elisha. (2 Kings 2:6–14). It was also there that the new Elijah—John the Baptist—passed the baton to Jesus, who then began his public ministry as the new Elisha. (Luke 3:11)

Jesus is that faithful “son of Abraham” (Mt. 1:1), that faithful Israelite, through whom a broken human family would find healing and reunion with its heavenly Father. Through Jesus, God’s blessing went out from Israel to embrace the whole world. Through Israel’s royal representative—Jesus—God’s people finally became what they were always meant to be: light to the world.

Lent is the favorable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in His word, in His sacraments, and in our neighbor. May the Holy Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can rediscover the gift of God’s word, be purified of  sin that blinds us, and serve Christ present in our brothers and sisters in need.


Do I fortify myself like Jesus with prayer and fasting…fasting means much more than not eating food…do I fast from making judgments…do I fast from anger, from unkind thoughts and words…. do I deny myself and choose God’s holy will over mine… do I seek power and glory for myself…or give all glory to God…All we are and all we have is a gift from God….how do we show our gratitude…are we passing God’s gifts to others….


Lord God, Almighty have mercy on me, a sinner.

Teach me to be humble,

and receive your gifts with gratitude

and share with others.

I know your gifts are not meant for me alone

and no one gets to heaven by themselves.

Let me be an instrument of yours

by proclaiming the Gospel, when it is easy and when it is hard.

In Jesus’ name, I pray!




Hear, O Israel!

The LORD is our God, the LORD alone!

Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God,

with your whole heart, and with your whole being,

and with your whole strength!

Take to heart these words which I command you today.

Keep repeating them to your children.

Recite them when you are at home and when you are away,

when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

The God of the Old and New Testament is certainly in need of nothing, even our worship. God lacks nothing.  God is the cause of everything, and source of all beings.  God is not just another being, He is existence itself, all that exists, exists in Him and through him.

Are we not grateful when someone gives us a gift, no matter how small it is?   We can’t begin to tick off all the gifts we receive from God, our very existence, our world, the air we breathe, the sunlight and rain that produce food for our nourishment…

Each day is a day of gratitude and thanksgiving to the one who makes all things possible. Worship is not something that God needs, but it is very much something that we need…. To acknowledge that God is our end all and be all.

We can add nothing to God’s glory, but we can express God’s glory in our behavior to others.  . Our lives become right ordered. We are ready to travel safely home.  We may pray with the Psalmist…

 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?

The LORD is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid?

One thing I ask of the LORD; this I seek:

To dwell in the LORD’s house all the days of my life,

For God will hide me in his shelter in time of trouble,

He will conceal me in the cover of his tent; and set me high upon a rock.

Wait for the LORD, take courage; be stouthearted, wait for the LORD! (PSALM 27)

Very disturbing are continued reports of diminishing attendance at Sunday Mass.  In a few decades it has dropped from 70% of Catholics to now 30%, Wow!  So many going it on their own.  How is that working out? It can be a real challenge to remain faithful.  So many worldly distractions.  So many Church scandals…

When people dismiss or ignore God’s presence in this world they also ignore His graces and support for times of stress, grief, despair… At Sunday Mass we celebrate the Eucharist, the same sacrifice as on Calvary but in an un-bloody manner.

As we join ourselves in offering ourselves with Jesus to the Father we encounter God’s presence in personal and profound ways and are the recipient of the graces Jesus merited over 2000 years ago.  We are there with Jesus offering ourselves in sacrifice and in reparation for sin.

Just as we need to nourish our physical bodies in order to have strength; to work; and to live well, so too we need to eat in the House of the Lord to have spiritual strength. Nourished by this heavenly food we carry on the work of Christ and His Church.

Recently, I was in a hospital recovering from a fall and severe fracture of my upper arm, then that led to rehab and both OT and PT, all very painful and now in out-patient rehab.  Why I bring this up is that when you are in pain it is not the easiest time to pray or even feel presence of God.  Don’t wait until you are in extreme conditions to pray.  Pray now, attend Mass now, participate in Sacramental life now!

Sometimes God seems so distant….not engaged at all….the faith of my Baptism tell me He is engaged in my suffering….sometimes all we can do is ask God to do something good with our suffering for others…sure we can pray for our healing…but that is in God’s time and place….something beyond our control..

In rehab, I looked around at so many others older and more disabled than myself and most likely not to ever go home again.  What is that all about, God?  No wonder euthanasia has so much support around the country based on a fictitious “quality of life.”  What does God and His Church say about doctor assisted suicide?

So called “Death with Dignity” is always immoral.  Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable. A government that legalizes assisted suicide sends the terrible message that there is such a thing as disposable people.

So God, what is the God answer to these long suffering souls in nursing homes and the like.  First, their very state of being can be a prayer, a surrender to will of God for themselves and others.  Second, those who are their caregivers have opportunity to love and care for their neighbor and show by example how we love one another.  I know the caregivers I had I will never forget and are in my prayer intentions.  I know they were God’s hands of mercy to me in this world.

God allows evil in this world but never wills it.  Sometimes, the evil he allows brings a greater good, like conversion, reconciliation and forgiveness.  What some perceived as a shameful death of Jesus became our lifeline to eternity.

Did God just retire to some far away place after Old Testament and New Testament times? I think not!  Why would He do that?  He has a lot invested in us, a very complex, salvation plan evolving over centuries, the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, and promises that have not yet been fully realized.


I am the living bread from heaven…whoever eats this bread will live forever….whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day…whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him John 6:48 (Bread of Life Discourse)







 “The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.” Mark 4:30-32


 Jesus came into this world to do more than save us from our sins by His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.  He came as the full revelation of the Father so that we would know the Father and believe there is more to life in this world than ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’…. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…The kingdom of God is present wherever the will of God is found.

 Through Baptism, each of us become “missionary disciples,” called to bring the Gospel to the world. Each of the baptized, whatever their role in the Church or level of education, is an active agent of evangelization. Evangelizing is the heart and soul of the Church.

What is Evangelization? It may be a fancy word or even a scary word to some who have been asked and tried to do it in an organized way.  Let me break it down for you.  It is as simple as bringing God into any situation, simple as offering prayers to someone who is facing some trial.

By offering prayers, you bring God into the picture, a reminder we don’t just live in one dimension, the natural world, but are also part of a supernatural dimension.  While we deal with the mundane and trite of this world our destiny is an eternal home with God, our Savior.

God, Creator of the world and all that is, is still at the helm of His creation, still providing providential care.  God always wills the good but because He respects our “free will,” made into the image and likeness of him, He does not force us to choose the good.  One is mistaken to say the carnage mass shooting in El Paso was God’s will.  No, God never wills evil but allows it because He knows grace in the end will triumph.

“For just as through the disobedience of one person the many were made sinners, so through the obedience of one, the many will be made righteous…where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through justification for eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:19-21

We must tap into that overseeing providential care of God in our world. Bishop Robert Barron suggests we begin where people are, to call attention to God already present in our everyday life, in our books, movies, TV even shopping malls.  God is involved so let’s call attention to Him!

Let me cite a few examples:   Let’s say your neighbor invites you to inspect his new car and you notice a baby seat.  You may bring up how caring your neighbor is by providing safety for his precious baby and may even lead into life issues.

You are on a fishing trip with friends and miss some of the conveniences of home but at the end of the day share with your fishing partners your thanks to God for good weather and good fishing day.

You are playing cards and a friend uses God’s name in vain and you ask in nice way not to say that because it offends you and you want to enjoy yourself with your friends.  The person swearing, , may even say what is the big deal, giving you opportunity to share your respect and honor for God who has blessed them all.

You are at cookout and someone brings up controversial topic.  Your best friend brings up the same sex marriage of his friend recently and makes some kind of comment about it not being any big deal.  You might remain quiet or you may ask your friend how he feels about that type of marriage. You may then share that you don’t think that’s what God intended in the natural law or in Scripture for that matter.

You are in a shopping mall with a friend buying gifts and you share you are buying school supplies for your Church collection for the poor in another parish.  We must share God’s gifts with others.

I think you get the idea; we don’t have to be a big time preacher or theologian to bear witness to our faith.  God does the heavy lifting. But we do have to be a willing instruments of God. We are after all the Mystical Body of Christ, our actions on this earth make a difference.

Below, I include an example from Scripture of St. Paul evangelizing the Gentiles in Athens Greece based on his observation of Greek culture.


 Then Paul stood up at the Areopagus and said: “You Athenians, I see that in every respect you are very religious. For as I walked around looking carefully at your shrines, I even discovered an altar inscribed, ‘To an Unknown God.’* What therefore you unknowingly worship, I proclaim to you.… 

The Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in sanctuaries made by human hands…Rather it is he who gives to everyone life and breath and everything… For In him we live and move and have our being… He made from one the whole human race to dwell on the entire surface of the earth…he fixed the ordered seasons and the boundaries of their regions, so that people might seek God, even perhaps grope for him and find him, though indeed he is not far from any one of us….


Paul captures the good will of his audience by complimenting the Athenians on their spirituality: “I see how extremely religious you are in every way. For as I went through the city and looked carefully at the objects of your worship, I found among them an altar with the inscription, ‘To an unknown god.’” Paul elected to build upon a religious foundation already in place in the society he was addressing

As St. Paul did in Athens, we should bear witness to our faith to people where they are.  It doesn’t have to be a big complicated deal.  Evangelization is not just about techniques and programs.  It is first about our personal holiness.  We ourselves must undergo a life of continual conversion through prayer, Scripture, and life in the Church, so that our light will shine bright to others and be attracted to the source of that light.


The proclamation of the Gospel is not optional for Christians.  We, on earth, are God’s instruments, God’s Mystical Body, His voice, his deeds. It is unthinkable that a person accept the Word for himself and keeps that light to himself, without bearing witness to others.  To be Christian means to be missionaries. This missionary task must remain foremost. For it concerns the eternal destiny of humanity and corresponds to God’s mysterious and merciful plan that all will be saved


The Church founded by Christ is the Mystical Body of Christ.  Christ is the Head, the Spirit is the Soul, and we are the Body, the hands, the feet, the eyes, and the mouth of Jesus now in this world.  The Mystical Body gives and receives just like Jesus, “Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to Me!”  When one suffers, we all suffer.  When one rejoices, we all rejoice.  Jesus and His Church are one!





What is sin?  The Catechism of the Catholic Church gives us a concise definition. “Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity.  (CCC #1849).


 In today’s culture, hardly anything is called a sin except maybe during a Church Service.  God has been set aside and replaced by one’s own authority to decide right and wrong. (Moral Relativism)  Sin is just not something people like to talk about because they too may be guilty and in need of repentance and change of behavior.  But sin actually exists today as well as in days of old.

In the Old Testament God gave us the guidelines for our wellbeing on Mount Sinai when He gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the promises that all will be well if Moses and the Israelites followed these guidelines.  Of course they didn’t, any more than Adam and Eve obeyed God in the Garden of Eden.


In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve in His image and likeness, He endowed them with intelligence, love, free will, and conscience.  He gave them the grace of “original holiness.”  God also gave them preternatural gifts. Man and the world began in grace, not sin. The inner harmony between man and woman, and all of creation comprised the state of “original justice.”

 The preternatural gifts received by Adam and Eve include infused knowledge, absence of concupiscence, and immortality of the body. Adam and Eve received these free gifts not just for themselves but to be passed on to the whole and entire human race.  After Adam and Eve committed “original sin,” they lost “original justice” and the preternatural gifts for the entire human race.  Now they could only pass on a fallen human nature.  Their descendants are now subject to ignorance, concupiscence (disordered desires), suffering and death.

 God “tested” our first parents by forbidding them to eat of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”  The tree is a symbol of the limits that humans have as creatures. Our freedom to choose means we are free to choose good. We are not free to choose evil.  To step outside God’s moral laws is to assume a freedom never granted to man.  To choose evil has bad consequences for mankind.

We did not commit “original sin.”  But we are born with its effects, a wounded human nature in body and soul and estrangement from God’s divine life.   Man’s passions are no longer ruled by right reason. The union of man and woman became subject to tensions, lust, and domination.  The rest of creation became hostile and alien to man.  Death entered into human history.  Because of man’s act of disobedience, all of creation is now subject to death and decay.


We are told by Jesus not to judge lest we be judged in like fashion and rightfully so. Matthew 7:1  Only God can judge a human heart.  This does not mean we can’t judge objectively sinful behavior and its consequences.

As examples, I will use the seven deadly sins as described in Scriptures and Catholic Church teaching.  Why, deadly, because in grave matters they can lead to the death of the soul and eternal damnation.  These are sometimes described as cardinal or capital sins because all sin flows from these vices.

 Lust, (disordered desire) is just one of the seven deadly sins mentioned in Scripture.  The others are: Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. Because of the sin of Lust, we have broken marriages, dysfunctional families, increase in venereal diseases, domestic violence, pornography, child abuse, and sex trafficking.

Gluttony really includes any overindulgence of food, drink, addictions.  Consequences may be drunkenness, drunk driving, abuse of drugs, overdoses, suicide. Health problems that are related to food products.

Greed results in stealing from others, fraud, cheating, lying about financial affairs, taking from someone else which is rightly theirs, opposing what is in the interest of the common good but may cut into your profits energy which is safer and cheaper for households but threatens profits of fossil fuel industry.

Most people barely examine themselves on the deadly sin of Sloth.  They just think it means being lazy but also sins of omission should be considered.. Consequences of the deadly sin of sloth may not be witnessing to your faith when it is attacked; not voting to make a difference in the world; ignoring those in need the least of our brethren; and not helping others when you could and should.

Consequences of WRATH are wars, broken relationships, hate, physical harm to others, discrimination, using God’s name in vain, abuse of spouse and/or children,

Those who nurture ENVY may covet their neighbor’s wife or property to the point of taking what is not rightfully theirs.  Envy also results in dissatisfaction  with one’s own blessings and gifts from God, takes away our inner Peace and undercuts our call to choose God’s will over our own.

Pride, I save for last because all sin can be traced back to the sin of Pride.  Our first parents passed on our fallen nature because they listened to the lies of the devil that they would be just like God if they ate of the tree of good and evil. While in fact all they discovered was evil and slavery to sin.  We, today, become slaves of sin every time we choose our will over God’s will.


 Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Confession (Penance, Reconciliation).  The Church has always understood the Scriptural reference for theSacrament of Confession to be John 20: 22-23: “Receive the Holy Spirit.  For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained.”

 We experience God’s mercy through this Sacrament of Reconciliation.  It is there that we acknowledge who we are: limited, weak and sinful creatures in need of redemption.  It is in this Sacrament that God forgives us of any and all of our sins.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him” (John 3: 16-17).

God knows we are sentient creatures and need visible signs of absolution.  The Sacrament of Confession is an The priest raises his hand, and then with a blessing pronounces those amazing words, “I absolve you from your sins.”  At that moment, we know that God has heard our cry for forgiveness, and we have been pardoned of our sins.


Oh my God I am sorry for all my sins because they offend you who are all good.  Be merciful to me a sinner. I am deeply sorry for my sins, for having broken or weakened my communion with you and my neighbor. I pray that your loving mercy will heal what I have hurt, strengthen what I have weakened. Help me to amend my life and sin no more and in your mercy bring me to everlasting life. Amen






Euthanasia, the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. Is definition found in dictionary but as found at work in today’s culture it has become the deliberate killing of another person that one deems not worthy to live anymore.

Euthanasia is back in the headlines big time.  Many euphemisms are used for euthanasia such as mercy killing but the new favorite is “death with dignity.” They have now added the slogan, my life, my choice.  Sounds very familiar  to the cry of pro-abortion lobby.

I find this very troubling since I had absolutely nothing to do with my existence, a pure gift from God the Creator.  Life was not my choice from the very beginning.  I was made to know, love and serve God in this world and be happy with Him in the next.  Do I throw that gift back in His face and say no thanks, I am finished, Count me out.

I am not sure how you feel but I have always thought of death with dignity is dying as I have lived, trusting in Jesus loving God and my neighbor and placing myself in the arms of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph at the time of my passing.



The Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act was signed into law by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.  As of Aug. 1, 2019, terminally ill patients with a prognosis of six months or fewer will now be able to self-administer lethal concoctions of drugs in order to take their own lives.

The bill allows adults with a prognosis of six months or less to live to get a prescription for life-ending medication. The prescription is a series of self-administered pills that can be taken at home.” Allowing terminally ill and dying residents the dignity to make end-of-life decisions according to their own consciences is the right thing to do,” said Murphy.

Currently, California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, Hawaii, Montana and the District of Columbia allow physician-assisted suicide.  In Canada, a hospital for sick children has unveiled a plan for how to terminate the lives of terminally ill kids, with or without parental consent.   As the demand for end-of-life care continues to increase, physician-assisted suicide emerges as a cheap alternative to appropriate palliative or hospice care.


2277 Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable.

 2283 To assist another’s suicide is to take part in “an injustice which can never be excused, even if it is requested…

 “A government that legalizes assisted suicide sends the terrible message that there is such a thing as disposable people.”

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)


 In my activist days when I founded an organization to oppose Capital Punishment, I properly called it, STATE SANCTIONED MURDER. Now we have on the books of some states STATE SANCTIONED SUICIDE!

 Already, before birth, if you don’t want the child you can get rid of it by an abortion procedure.  Now it  is established legally that some human life is disposable at the end of life.  People too frail, too mentally disabled to work and contribute to society are at risk.  They are now a drain on insurance companies, family incomes, and an inconvenience, depending on who is setting the definition of which human life matters.

Just because a terminally ill patient chooses to end his own life does not excuse society from moral obligations to intercede.  God gave us life until He calls us home.  An alternative to physician assisted suicide is palliative care, already well researched and well practiced .


The World Health Organization acknowledges that dying is a normal process and defines palliative care as “an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness. It includes treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.”

The intention of palliative care is neither to hasten nor delay death.  Effective palliative care allows patients to devote their attention to the unfinished business of their lives, to arrive at a sense of peace with God, with loved ones, and with themselves. Learning how to face this last stage of our earthly lives is one of the most important and meaningful things each of us will do.


 Suffering need not be meaningless but can bring us closer to the mystery of Christ’s sacrifice for the salvation of the world.  Suffering is part of human existence from birth until death, and every human person suffers in a variety of ways: physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. The suffering of Christ leads to his glory; so, too, does the suffering of Christians

Some call this “Redemptive suffering.” Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption once and for all by suffering torture and crucifixion for our sins, Jesus our Redeemer suffered in place of man and for man. Every man has his own share in the Redemption. Each man is also called to share in that suffering through which the Redemption was accomplished.

Redemptive suffering takes on our sins, the sins of others, acting as a kind of sponge absorbing the evil all around them.  This form of suffering is so powerful–because love is so powerful–that its arms can span the entire world and has the potential to affect countless souls. “Suffering is medicine for Salvation.” St. Augustine

Our hope and prayer is that when we grow old or sick that we be surrounded by people who care and respect each and every human life.  Catholics should be leaders in the effort to defend and uphold the principle that each of us has a right to live with dignity through every day of our lives, even our last ones.

Jesus, do not leave me alone in suffering. You know, Lord, how weak I am….I am nothingness itself… Do with me as you please, Lord, only give me the grace to be able to love You In every event and circumstance.


 CATHOLIC DIRECTIVE Instructions for My Health Care

My Catholic faith teaches that all human life is a precious gift from God from the first moment of conception to the moment of natural death, and that euthanasia and assisted suicide are not morally permissible.

Therefore, I oppose any action or inaction that is intended to cause my death. I always wish to receive basic care, which will allow me to be most comfortable including food, water, and pain control. I have discussed my desires regarding pain control with my agent.

I wish to receive medical care and treatment appropriate to my condition as long as it is useful and offers a reasonable hope of benefit and is not excessively burdensome to me, i.e., does not impose serious risk, or some other extreme burden.

If I am unable to eat and drink on my own, nutrition and hydration administered by medical means should be provided to me unless death is inevitable and imminent so that the effort to sustain my life is futile, or unless I am unable to assimilate food or fluids.

I request and direct that medical treatment and care be provided to me to preserve my life without  discrimination based on my age, physical or mental disability, or the “quality” of my life.

If my death from a terminal illness is imminent, I wish to refuse treatment that would only secure a precarious and burdensome prolongation of my life. I wish to be attended by a Catholic priest, receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum.

Signature______________________________Date_________Initials: Witness1_____ Witness 2




Well, it is time for another election here in the United States.  Some people flip a coin…some people vote their tribe…many agonize to the point of staying home.  Many faithful Catholics will suffer as they joust their consciences with their “self-interest.” As disciples of Christ our self-interest should be our God interest.


Is it your personal encounter with Jesus Christ and His Church or is it the ideology of some political party? A well-formed conscience is necessary to make correct moral decisions. Voting is a moral obligation because through it we seek to affirm the moral truths that shape our lives as Catholics in a secular world.

 “Conscience is a judgment of reason whereby the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act that he is going to perform, is in the process of performing, or already has completed performing.  Conscience is a faculty of the intellect not the will.  Man has the right to act according to his conscience, in fact is required to do so, even if it might be mistaken.  However, born with a clouded intellect after the original fall, man is also required to educate his conscience to discern God’s will as revealed in Divine Law.” (CCC 1778)


Abortion is an intrinsic evil. It is intended to kill the innocent human being growing in the mother’s womb and is never permitted.  Abortion is not an acceptable means of birth control or a choice of the parents for a preferred gender or because a baby will be inconvenient. Nor is it acceptable to abort a child that may suffer from some disease or disability.  That is euthanasia of the unborn.

Human life is sacred. Direct attacks on innocent human beings are never morally acceptable. Within our society, life is under direct attack from abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, and destruction of human embryos for research. These intrinsic evils must always be opposed.

God chooses life but not just the life of the unborn but the life of the already born.  Jesus in his public ministry addressed the needs of the living by healing those from the effects of original sin, forgiving sins, healing the sick, raising the dead, preaching justice, and calling that we all be one like He and the Father are one.

Catholic Christians have been continually disappointed by politicians who say they are pro life when in fact they are more anti-abortion  than PRO LIFE ISSUES.  Pro Life is a seamless garment.  When these politicians get in office because of well-intentioned Christian votes, they consistently oppose the “common good.” They often seem to care very little for the needs of the already living human beings that Jesus addressed in His public ministry.



“the sum total of social conditions which allow people to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.”….public authorities are bound to respect the fundamental and inalienable rights of the human person…the right to act according to a sound norm of conscience,  safeguard privacy, freedom in matters of religion.”…and the stability and security of a just order.


A consistent ethic of life should guide all Catholic engagement in political life. Catholics should commit to defend human life and other human rights, from conception until natural death, to respect the dignity of every human being as a child of God.

We focus on the “common good” We ask how we can make the world a better place; not how I can improve my personal situation.  Other assaults on human life and dignity, such as genocide, torture, racism, the targeting of noncombatants can never be justified. Disrespect for any human life diminishes respect for all human life. As Catholics we are not single-issue voters.

 Caring for God’s Creation Care for the earth is a duty of our Catholic faith. We all are called to be careful stewards of God’s creation and to ensure a safe and hospitable environment for vulnerable human beings now and in the future

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable While the common good embraces all, those who are in greatest need deserve preferential concern. A moral test for society is how we treat the weakest among us—the unborn, those dealing with disabilities or terminal illness, the poor and marginalized, The Federal budget is a moral document and must provide as well for the poorest and most vulnerable in society.

 Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers The economy must serve people, not the other way around. Economic justice calls for decent work at fair, living wages, opportunities for legal status for immigrant workers, and the opportunity for all people to work together for the common good through their work, ownership, enterprise, participation in unions and other forms of economic activities.

Immigration needs be addressed in a humane way with compassion, while securing and protecting our borders.  We must welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin out of charity and respect for the human person. We have the right and duty to secure one’s border and enforce the law for the sake of the common good. Sovereign nations have the right to enforce their laws and all persons must respect the legitimate exercise of this right.


We must be the leaven in society that bears witness to the Truth and bring others into God’s reign on earth.  If you truly live your Catholic faith, you may not find complete alignment with any political party.   Pray and Trust in Jesus that the vote you cast is the best vote you can cast.

Let us continue to pray for one another in our discernment process and forming a conscience according to God’s will as revealed in Divine Law.

Let us call on the Holy Spirit in our discernment as we prepare to perform not only our civic duty but our moral duty.

Come Holy Spirit,

fill the hearts of your faithful,

kindle in them the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.

And you shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit,

did instruct the hearts of the faithful,

grant that by the same Holy Spirit

we may be truly wise

and ever enjoy His consolations,

Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.





For some time now I have been wondering how I might help improve Sunday Mass attendance among my fellow catholics.  All surveys and polls show less and less each decade attend Sunday Mass on a regular basis despite objectively it is a grave sin to miss Mass on Sundays intentionally without sufficient cause.

Catholics must worship God on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation by participating in the Holy Mass. I know we are in that era of “cafeteria Catholics” who pick and choose what teachings of Jesus and His Church they are going to follow.

When it comes to the Mass, one may hear comments like, “it is boring,”  “I don’t get anything out of it.”  Some will say, I can worship God by going for a walk and appreciating nature. First, I will address the idea of The Mass being boring and getting nothing out of it.  The Mass is primarily about worshipping God not about you getting some kind of thrill or high as you might with a material thing.

We were not at Calvary over 2000 years ago when God died for our sins in atonement.  But at every Mass we re-present that sacrifice in an un-bloody manner.  We receive again through no merit of our own all the graces that were merited by Jesus over 2000 years ago and participate in our redemption by offering ourselves to the extant we can.  So we do get something after all, an increase in sanctifying grace.

Just a word for the nature lover who chooses walks over attending Mass.  It is a good thing to acknowledge God the Creator but God is also the Redeemer, and Sanctifier.  The best way to give thanks (eucharistia) for all that God has done for us is the Liturgy of the Mass.

I am convinced if a person knew and understood the various parts of the Liturgy of the Mass Mass would no longer be boring or something to be skipped or set aside. Nowhere on earth will one be closer to Jesus than in the Liturgy of the Mass which includes the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith.

So let’s begin:


 At Mass we are welcomed by the priest celebrant who stands in the place of Christ.  We begin with the sign of the cross placing ourselves in God’s presence and bearing witness that we are as a community pledged to Christ’s standards, not the world’s. Just as Jews in Israel, had to cleanse themselves before worshipping in the temple, we now at Mass confess our sins in the Confiteor and ask for God’s Mercy in the prayers, Lord have mercy.

The tone of the liturgy now shifts from sorrowful repentance to joyful praise, the Gloria. The opening line of the Gloria is taken from the words sung by the angels over the fields of Bethlehem, announcing to the shepherds the good news. “Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will.”

After praising the Father we have a summary of the Salvation Story with His Son, Jesus Christ the main character, “Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer.”

After this hymn of praise and thanksgiving, the priest leads the people in a prayer called the Collect because it gathers all the intentions of the people participating and offers them to the Father in this prayer.


 On Sundays there is a reading from the Old Testament and then from the New Testament before the Gospel.  Remember the Bible is the inspired word of God given to us through the instrument of human writers but God is the author of the Bible.  CCC 105 God is the author of Sacred Scripture. “The divinely revealed realities, which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.”

While the whole of the Bible is inspired, Vatican II taught that the Gospels rightly have “a special place…because they are our principal source for the life and teaching of the Incarnate Word, our Savior, Jesus Christ.” The Gospel is not like a news report but the inspired word of God talking to us today.

The Gospel is usually followed by a homily.  In Greek, homily means explanation.  In the homily, the priest/preacher breaks open the word of God in various ways to assist us in applying it to our lives. After hearing the word of God, we affirm our belief in the Creed, an entire summary of salvation history. In the early Church the Creed was part of the rite of Baptism.


The priest offers bread and wine to the Father along with our offerings and asks that these gifts be made holy by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Before offering the wine he places a drop of water in the chalice while saying, “May we come to share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.” The priest prays that he may be cleansed from any sins or improprieties by washing his hands. As the priest begins the “sacrifice of the Mass” he prays, “Pray, brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.”


This part of the Mass begins with invoking God’s presence once again and affirming it is right and just to give God praise and thanks for all He does and what He is about to do in the transforming the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.  The priest calls upon God to send the Holy Spirit to come upon these gifts (epiclesis) The priest’s prays “Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray, by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ

Soon after, the priest says the words of consecration, “Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body, which will be given up for you…  Then the priest takes the chalice, “Take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me.”

To understand better the words, “Do this in memory of me,” we need the context of the Passover, the Jewish liturgical celebration of their freedom from slavery in Egypt.  Annually, the Jewish community celebrate Passover.  Biblical memorials were not just recalled but re-lived.  A liturgical memorial brings the past and present together, making the long-ago event mystically present for the current generation.

This memorial (anamnesis) at Mass makes what happened in the Upper Room and on Calvary sacramentally present today. This same sacrifice, now in an unbloody manner that Christ offered once for all on the cross remains ever present.  The power of Jesus’ sacrificial offering is applied to our lives for the daily sins we commit. There is also an increase in sanctifying grace.

After the consecration and raising of the body and blood of Jesus, the priest genuflects and announces the mystery of faith and invites us to proclaim with him what has just taken place, Jesus Christ who died for our sins is truly present on the altar under the appearances of bread and wine.


Many people seek the security and peace of this world, which is a peace based on success and on everything going well.  Christ, however, offers us a deeper, longer lasting peace,  an internal, spiritual peace that can withstand life’s many disappointments, trials, and sufferings.—one that the world does not give. This is the kind of peace of heart that also builds true unity within marriages, families, communities, parishes, and nations. We are invited by the priest to share this peace with our neighbor.


 Fraction is the breaking of the bread, now the body of Christ.  The priest places a small particle of the bread in the chalice while saying, “May this mingling of the body and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ bring to us who receive it eternal life.”  When we recite the Agnus Dei, Lamb of God who takes away the sins….we join the chorus of heaven and earth, worshiping the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb sacrificed for our salvation.


In the Book of Revelations an angel instructs John to write: “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb” (Rv 19:9). What is this festive supper of the Lamb? It is the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist.  When the priest says, “Blessed are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb,” he echoes the angel’s invitation to the wedding supper of the Lamb in the Book of Revelations.

We are being called to participate in the marriage feast of Jesus and his Church.  When you walk down the aisle to receive Holy Communion, as a member of the Church, you are coming to be united to your bridegroom, Jesus. In the spirit of unworthiness, we express our confidence that God is calling us despite our sinfulness.  “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”


Go the Mass is ended.”  We are sent forth as Jesus sent forth his disciples, “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you,” John 20:21.”  We have been fed and nourished in our faith.  It is our time to spread the Good News! Our mission if we choose to accept it is live the Gospel in words and actions.


Come back to Mass, you will be glad you did and the world will be a better place for your participation.  There is no greater way to give thanks to God the Creator, God the Redeemer, and God the Sanctifier.  One God, three Persons! Your bridegroom awaits you at the wedding feast of the Lamb.

The Eucharist is a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father by which the Church expresses her gratitude to God for his benefits, for all that he has accomplished through creation, redemption, and sanctification.  Eucharist means first of all ‘thanksgiving’ ” Catechism of the Catholic Church 1360






VATICAN CITY, Aug 2 (Reuters) – The Roman Catholic Church formally changed its teaching on Thursday to declare the death penalty inadmissible in all circumstances. The 1.2 billion-member Catholic Church has allowed the death penalty in extreme cases for centuries, but the position began to change under the late Pope John Paul II, who died in 2005.

The Vatican said it had changed its universal catechism, a summary of Church teaching, to reflect Pope Francis’ total opposition to capital punishment.  According to the new entry in the catechism, “the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person.

The new provision is expected to run into stiff opposition from Catholics in countries such as the United States, where many Catholics support the death penalty. The change was enacted by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is the body responsible for promulgating and defending Catholic doctrine.

NOTE:  Prior to this latest change in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has been advocating the abolition of the death penalty for some time.  Sunday February 21, 2016, in the EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF YEAR OF MERCY in his Angelus address at St. Peter’s, Pope Francis called for a worldwide abolition of the death penalty, and I quote,

The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is a good occasion to promote in the world a growing maturity in forms of respect for life and the dignity of each person…even a criminal has the inviolable right to life, a gift of God.”

“I make a call to the consciences of those who govern, so that they come to an international consensus aimed at abolishing the death penalty. All Christians and men and women of good will are called today to work for the abolition of the death penalty, but also for improving the conditions of prisons, in respect of human dignity and of those people deprived of freedom.”





  • “…traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against an unjust aggressor.
  • “…the case in which the execution of an offender is an absolute necessity are “very rare,” if not practically non-existent.”

NOTE: For those of us older than 50, this CCC #2267 is a change in traditional Church teaching on the death penalty. In fact, you may remember being taught in our Catholic Universities that a man who takes a life forfeits his own.  Catholic teaching was influenced for centuries by the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas.

St. Thomas Aquinas did not personally favor the death penalty; he actually encouraged people to avoid it whenever possible.  However, he did give us the teaching that for a time allowed just wars and permitted the death penalty.  He taught that our first good is the preservation of our own life.  The taking of another person’s life may be absolutely necessary in self-defense.   “It is legitimate to answer force with force, provided it goes no further than due defense requires.” Summa Theologica (V-II q.64 a. 7)


 For some time, nearly four decades, the Bishops of the Church have been trying to peel away support for the death penalty among Catholics, understanding, just like our ancestors the “hardness of our hearts.”  Copied below are some of their statements prior to today’s announcement by the Vatican.

 Cardinal Bernadin A Consistent Ethic of Life (1983)

“To be Pro-Life is to respect all life.  Life is a “seamless garment” that must be defended against many assaults be they: abortion, nuclear weapons, the death penalty, euthanasia, poverty, or racism.”

 Pope John Paul II in his encyclical, THE GOSPEL OF LIFE (1995)

“…the nature and extent of the punishment must be carefully evaluated and decided upon, and ought not to go to the extreme of executing the offender except in cases of absolute necessity: in other words when it would not be possible otherwise to defend society.”

United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Life Matters:  A Catholic Response To The Death Penalty (2013)

…Even if the death penalty were always imposed without error, should we support its use? We teach that killing is wrong by responding with mercy and justice, not more killing…. As Catholics, we believe and put our hope in a merciful and loving God…. Our Lord calls us to imitate him more perfectly by witnessing to the inherent dignity of every human being, including those whose actions have been despicable.  

As Christians we are called to oppose the culture of death by witnessing to something greater and more perfect: a gospel of life, hope and mercy.


 As someone who worked in prison ministry for a decade on death row there are a few comments that are very personal to me.  Almost 50 men were put to death by the state on my watch.  Cause of death is written “homicide.”  The State excuses themselves as we are to blame that serve on juries that give a death sentence.  Of course in a death penalty trial all jurors that oppose the death penalty are excluded  They call that a “death qualified” jury.


More than 160 Innocent people have been released from our death rows since 1977, usually through extraordinary means and not the court system.  The average time spent on death row before exoneration and release is 11 years.  Some were released after 30 years.  Now for the skeptics who say how can the innocent be on death row.  I will list just a few of the ways an innocent person ends up on death row and likely executed.

 INCOMPETANT DEFENSE ATTORNEY does not investigate thoroughly because of ignorance or neglect thus missing exculpatory evidence pointing to the innocence of his client.

INADEQUATE POLICE INVESTIGATIONS The police believe the suspect is guilty and do not thoroughly investigate other evidence pointing to other suspects

COERCED CONFESSIONS A suspect with limited mental ability, education, given to drug and alcohol abuse is aggressively interrogated by a group of policemen for 16-18 hours straight and may be intimidated into signing a false confession.

PREJUDICIAL PRESS COVERAGE The heinous crime and the defendant are closely reported together in the newspaper with a strong assumption of guilt on the part of the accused.  It is impossible to get an impartial jury even though they say they can be fair.

PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT The prosecutor believes the defendant is guilty, has evidence that may point to the defendant’s innocence but does not use it or share it with the defense counsel. They may also plant evidence, change evidence, and lie on witness stand.

PERJURED TESTIMONY Jail house snitches lie on the stand and say they heard the defendant confess when he didn’t, in exchange for a shorter sentence for themselves.


Now a few words about the term closure. Some will say we still need the death penalty for closure for family members of the victim.  Don’t they deserve closure?  Of course family members of murder victims deserve closure if you mean healing and the assistance to move on with their lives.    As family members of victims experience grief, anger, and depression, it is essential that we reach out as individuals and faith communities to offer consolation and support. 

When a death sentence is in the mix, it only prolongs and intensifies the pain and suffering and halts the grieving process in its tracks.   The focus is on killing the killer not the loss of their loved one. And besides, less than 1% of homicides result in a death sentence.  So what about so called closure for those family members.


In closing, the deepest message of our Faith is that we are all brothers and sisters, made in the image and likeness of God.  Remember how God treated the first murderer, Cain, with mercy.  He put a mark on Cain lest anyone harm him. “If anyone kills Cain, Cain shall be avenged sevenfold.  The Lord put a mark on Cain, lest anyone should kill him on sight.” (Genesis 4:15)

But God does not leave the crime unpunished. He tells Cain that he will not be able to grow crops and that he will be a fugitive and wanderer on the earth. Although Cain is spared execution, justice requires that he live the rest of his earthly life alone and outcast, but with time to reflect on his crime, to perhaps feel remorse and at last seek forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

Our role then is to reconcile what seems irreconcilable, to love and respect the human dignity of the murder victim and the death row inmate and show compassion and support to the suffering and grieving families of both. The death penalty is not about who deserves to die but who deserves to kill.   Jesus came for sinners not the righteous, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice!” Matthew 9:13

Mercy mitigates judgment!