This Feast day of St. Joseph can give us hope in this trying time of uncertainty, divisions in our own country and in our Church.
St. Joseph had to deal with a pregnant wife who was carrying someone else’s baby. When it was time for his wife to give birth he could not find an inn but was forced into a shelter for animals.
When Herod threatened their infant son. Joseph and the Holy Family had to flee in total uncertainty to a foreign land. Joseph had to trust in God that he and his family would be cared for. After Herod’s death Joseph safely returned Mary and Jesus to Nazareth. Matthew 2:13-16
St. Joseph was a faithful practicing Jewish man from the line of David. He lived in the small village of Nazareth and served as the town carpenter. The Bible pays Joseph the highest compliment by calling him a “just man.”
By saying Joseph was “just,” the Bible means that he was one who was completely open to all that God wanted him to do. Joseph, betrothed to Mary, faced with Mary pregnant during engagement period and not by him had to hurt him severely.
Joseph didn’t want to take it out on Mary by subjecting her to charge of adultery. Joseph planned to do this “quietly” because he was “a righteous man, unwilling to expose her to shame” Matthew 1:19. (Mercy vs Judgment)
We do not know when Joseph died but there is no mention of him during Jesus public ministry
Is it any wonder that the Church had declared Joseph the patron saint of a happy death? Joseph died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Jesus and His mother Mary were not only supporters and consolers who supported Joseph’s frail body, but also provided powerful, soothing graces that refreshed the heart and soul of the dying Saint. St. Joseph can help us at our time of death by reminding us not to fear death but to rest in the arms and support of the Holy Family!
O glorious St. Joseph, Saint of the workbench, skilled and trusted craftsman…Cheerfully toiling side by side with Jesus, Teach us to value lives of hidden splendor.
We implore thy powerful intercession in obtaining for us from your Divine son all spiritual blessings, particularly the grace of a happy death.
O Guardian of the Word Incarnate, we have confidence that thy prayers on our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen.