Well, it is time for another election here in the United States. Some people flip a coin…some people vote their tribe…many agonize to the point of staying home. Many faithful Catholics will suffer as they joust their consciences with their “self-interest.” As disciples of Christ our self-interest should be our God interest.
Is it your personal encounter with Jesus Christ and His Church or is it the ideology of some political party? A well-formed conscience is necessary to make correct moral decisions. Voting is a moral obligation because through it we seek to affirm the moral truths that shape our lives as Catholics in a secular world.
“Conscience is a judgment of reason whereby the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act that he is going to perform, is in the process of performing, or already has completed performing. Conscience is a faculty of the intellect not the will. Man has the right to act according to his conscience, in fact is required to do so, even if it might be mistaken. However, born with a clouded intellect after the original fall, man is also required to educate his conscience to discern God’s will as revealed in Divine Law.” (CCC 1778)
Abortion is an intrinsic evil. It is intended to kill the innocent human being growing in the mother’s womb and is never permitted. Abortion is not an acceptable means of birth control or a choice of the parents for a preferred gender or because a baby will be inconvenient. Nor is it acceptable to abort a child that may suffer from some disease or disability. That is euthanasia of the unborn.
Human life is sacred. Direct attacks on innocent human beings are never morally acceptable. Within our society, life is under direct attack from abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, and destruction of human embryos for research. These intrinsic evils must always be opposed.
God chooses life but not just the life of the unborn but the life of the already born. Jesus in his public ministry addressed the needs of the living by healing those from the effects of original sin, forgiving sins, healing the sick, raising the dead, preaching justice, and calling that we all be one like He and the Father are one.
Catholic Christians have been continually disappointed by politicians who say they are pro life when in fact they are more anti-abortion than PRO LIFE ISSUES. Pro Life is a seamless garment. When these politicians get in office because of well-intentioned Christian votes, they consistently oppose the “common good.” They often seem to care very little for the needs of the already living human beings that Jesus addressed in His public ministry.
“the sum total of social conditions which allow people to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.”….public authorities are bound to respect the fundamental and inalienable rights of the human person…the right to act according to a sound norm of conscience, safeguard privacy, freedom in matters of religion.”…and the stability and security of a just order.
A consistent ethic of life should guide all Catholic engagement in political life. Catholics should commit to defend human life and other human rights, from conception until natural death, to respect the dignity of every human being as a child of God.
We focus on the “common good” We ask how we can make the world a better place; not how I can improve my personal situation. Other assaults on human life and dignity, such as genocide, torture, racism, the targeting of noncombatants can never be justified. Disrespect for any human life diminishes respect for all human life. As Catholics we are not single-issue voters.
Caring for God’s Creation Care for the earth is a duty of our Catholic faith. We all are called to be careful stewards of God’s creation and to ensure a safe and hospitable environment for vulnerable human beings now and in the future
Option for the Poor and Vulnerable While the common good embraces all, those who are in greatest need deserve preferential concern. A moral test for society is how we treat the weakest among us—the unborn, those dealing with disabilities or terminal illness, the poor and marginalized, The Federal budget is a moral document and must provide as well for the poorest and most vulnerable in society.
Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers The economy must serve people, not the other way around. Economic justice calls for decent work at fair, living wages, opportunities for legal status for immigrant workers, and the opportunity for all people to work together for the common good through their work, ownership, enterprise, participation in unions and other forms of economic activities.
Immigration needs be addressed in a humane way with compassion, while securing and protecting our borders. We must welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin out of charity and respect for the human person. We have the right and duty to secure one’s border and enforce the law for the sake of the common good. Sovereign nations have the right to enforce their laws and all persons must respect the legitimate exercise of this right.
We must be the leaven in society that bears witness to the Truth and bring others into God’s reign on earth. If you truly live your Catholic faith, you may not find complete alignment with any political party. Pray and Trust in Jesus that the vote you cast is the best vote you can cast.
Let us continue to pray for one another in our discernment process and forming a conscience according to God’s will as revealed in Divine Law.
Let us call on the Holy Spirit in our discernment as we prepare to perform not only our civic duty but our moral duty.
Come Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful,
kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit,
did instruct the hearts of the faithful,
grant that by the same Holy Spirit
we may be truly wise
and ever enjoy His consolations,
Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
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